There are two ways to live life, and they are opposite in every respect.  We can live life by default, letting culture direct our thoughts and actions.  This is living by external motivation, which always has the focus outside of ourselves.  The opposite of this is to live from within.

When we live from within, we are inspired and guided in our thoughts and actions.  This leads us to our best possibility,  freedom, peace and joy, inspiring others along the way.

We choose between the two at every moment.

The choice is our Journey.

I invite you to join me on this Journey.

It is my mission to understand myself as a Soul.  Through study of spiritual principles, “A Course In Miracles”, countless hours of reading, attending Workshops, and my personal experiences, I’ve come to understand the difference between living culturally and living true to the Soul. 

I invite you to join me on this journey.
Join me and discover yourself as a Soul.
Join me in living as a Soul.
Now more than ever….
The world needs you to be who you were meant to be!